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Your Privacy (in a Language That Makes Sense)

Here at the MS Readathon, we take your privacy very
seriously and we want to explain how we look after
your personal information in a way that you understand.

Adults or children can also read our full length  Privacy Statement 

We get it! Privacy Information is pretty boring,
but it's also pretty important.

So take a look at this video and see below for further reading. 

Who are we?

And how we take care of your readathon profile?

When you sign up to take part in the MS Readathon, you tell us lots of things about yourself. This is called your ‘personal information’ and it is our job to keep this safe and private.

Personal information is anything about you that lets someone else know who you are.  This can be things like your name, or photo as well as many other things.  Sometimes it can also mean using more than one thing about you to figure out who you are, for example if someone knew your school and your name they could figure out where you were from. 

The grown-up way to say this is that you are identifiable directly or indirectly. Grown-ups call this information data, and we are using the word information here.       

We use information for the following groups of people

  • Readers under 18
  • Adult Readers
  • Parents/ guardians
  • Teachers
  • Team/Group Leaders/Teachers
  • Donors – Anyone who makes a donation to MS Ireland
  • Ambassadors - people who support the MS Readathon publicly
  • Sponsors – your sponsors are the people who promise to pay MS Ireland in return for you reading all your books
  • Partners – these are people or businesses that might sponsor a prize or work alongside the MS Readathon

When you read ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ in this document it means MS Readathon and that we have to mind your personal information safely.


How you can contact us for any queries about your information and about your rights
There are many ways you can contact us, including by phone, email, and post.

80 Northumberland Rd, Dublin 4, D04 T856

01 678100 

What happens if we make changes to this notice

Where changes to this Privacy notice occur, the updated version will be published on our website. If any major changes occur to this privacy notice during a competition and where

appropriate/possible we will communicate the changes directly to individuals through a communication channel such as email and/or our social media.

Why we collect your information

To help us help you, make sure you check your information is correct before giving it to us.  If you are not sure ask a grown up for help. 

If you change your contact details (your address, phone number or email) let us know or your parent/guardian can change it on your fundraising page.

As a reader you can set up a nickname to be shown on our web site instead of your real name, that’s your choice.

How the information we collect about you helps the website


The type of information we collect about you helps our Readathon website to work properly.  The information you give us allows us:


  • To provide this website to you and answer your questions
  • Let you know about other fundraising events where you have said we can, in other words where you have given us permission to do so or if you are a child where your parents/guardians have given us permission
  • To send you our newsletters where you have said we can, in other words where you have given us permission to do so or if you are a child where your parents/guardians have given us persmission
  • To fundraise for us
  • To complete our surveys (surveys are a list of questions used to see if we can make any changes to the Readathon to make it even better than it already is)
  • To provide our Readathon services
  • To keep in touch with you whilst you hold a donor and/or reader account
  • To follow all relevant law (rules of the country)
  • To defend legal claims or other claims of a similar nature
  • To report on the donation leader board from the superhero club, the top kids, top classes, top schools, top teams and top adults which anyone who visits the website can see
  • To report on the book leader board about the number of books you have read which anyone who visits the website can see
  • To help your donors find your or your child’s details (name, class and school) to provide a donation, anyone who visits the website can see this.


  • To sign you up to the Readathon
  • To set up and run your reader account (this is where you login and can see how much you have raised and log the books you have read)
  • To send a welcome package to the first 500 children to sign up to the Readathon this year
  • To give you help and ideas of things to read
  • To record each book you read
  • To record your book ratings and reviews
  • To record your achievements
  • To record and process the donations collected by you (this means to make sure your donations go to your account and that the money moves safely from the donors account to the Readathons account)
  • To report on the donation leader board from the superhero club, the top kids, top classes, top schools, top teams and top adults which anyone who visits the website can see 
  • To report on the book leader board about the number of books you have read which anyone who visits the website can see
  • To record statements and feedback from you (if you contact us with ideas or suggestion or leave your opinion in a review)
  • To record testemonials from you

The adults can find the purposes for holding their information in our full length privacy statement here


There are lots more ways that your information helps the Readathon run smoothly and you can find these in our full length Privacy Statement on this website. (It's pretty yawnsome though!)

Where permission (consent) is required, you will be given the option to agree or disagree. Once your permission is given, you can withdraw (take away) this permission at any time. 

Parental/ Guardian permission (consent) is required to process personal information for any individuals under the age of 18 – this means you need your parent or guardian to say it is ok for you to enter the Readathon. 

Why we are allowed to use your information


Permission (Consent)

Where you have clearly agreed to us processing your information for a specific reason such as

  • Collecting your child’s information to allow them to join in our Readathon.
  • Special permission (explicit consent) for us to process any information about you or your child having Multiple Sclerosis.
  • If you sign up to any of our e-newsletters, fundraising or other communications resources, we will keep your details so that we can email you these as requested.
  • We also collect any other personal information that you choose to give to us when you complete our survey or otherwise given to us.
  • We collect any information given by or about you through our website including comment boxes, forms, links, website usage or any other way.  
  • If any person contacts us via phone, email, post, surveys, through our website or otherwise, we may keep a record of that correspondence.  


You may unsubscribe or manage your subscriptions at any time by following the link at the bottom of all emails or contacting us.


Terms and Conditions

Where you have entered into a service with us and the use of the information is necessary to perform this service per the Terms and Conditions  



The information we collect and store is needed to meet the rules of we must follow in this country.  


Real (Legitimate) interest

The information we collect and store is needed for a real (legitimate) interest by us

  • to protect the safety and security of our staff, readers, donors, sponsors, resources and systems
  • to run our Readathon services generally to our readers, donors, teachers, team leaders and partners.
  • manage and administer our services to our readers, donors, teachers, team leaders and partners.
  • To inform our existing readers, donors, teachers, team leaders and partners about upcoming Readathons events.
  • To inform our readers, donors, teachers, team leaders and partners about how we spent the generous donations collected.
  • From time to time we may carry out member and donor satisfaction surveys.

Where we do so we rely on legitimate interest to enhance our service delivery as the reason for collecting your information, in other words we ask some questions to see if you are happy with how the website and readathon works so we can make it better if we need to.

  • To ensure the security of our IT systems and to prevent any unauthorised access (people from outside MS Ireland using our computers or information).


Where you do not register as a member or donor, we will be unable to provide our Readathon online services to you.


Personal information we keep

 As part of our Readathon services, we need to collect certain information to let us run the Readathon.  We collect the following types of information:

  • Customer Surveys
  • Photographs/ Videos for Ambassadors, feedback from you
  • Identity information includes first name, last name   
  • Contact information includes billing address (where the bank thinks you live), delivery address (where we can send you things), email address, telephone numbers.
  • Images includes Photograph/videos/audio for Ambassadors
  • School Information includes Class, Teacher and School if provided
  • Financial Information no information is collected about bank account and payment card details. All banking is processed directly on Stripe or Paypal  (the people who safely move the money to the Readathon account)
  • Transaction Information includes details about payments from you and other details of donations or fundraising you have provided to us.
  • Technical Information includes:
    • internet protocol (IP) address - this is how the internet knows what computer/tablet/phone you are working on, its kind of like your computers name on the internet
    • Longitude/Latitude - this is how the internet finds you on a map of the world. If you look at a map of the world or a globe, there are imaginary  lines drawn from the North to the South Pole and all around the planet and where these lines cross over or meet is where your computer/tablet/phone is found
    • web browser user agent of all entries – a web browser is something you use to look things up on the internet, like Google Chrome/Firefox/Microsoft Edge/Internet Explorer, it is software that speaks to the internet and tells it what you are looking for, the internet then gives the browser the information which it shows you in a way you can understand
    • your login information – the username and password used to access your fundraising page
  • Profile Information includes your interests (things you like), preferences (if you like one thing more than another), feedback (when you tell us if you think we did a good job or could make things better) and survey responses (answers to questions we ask to see if we need to change things to make it work better), sign ups (when you join the Readathon).
  • Usage Information includes information about how you use our services and deal with us.
  • Social media handles Twitter Account, URL Facebook, URL LinkedIn, URL Pinterest, URL Instagram, SnapChat and Google Tag manager – if you link/share your Readathon profile to any of these


How we keep your information safe

 We collect this information from you after you were given the privacy statement. To keep your information safe we will not:

  • Keep your information when we don’t need it anymore
  • Share your information with anyone except people who need to have access to help us run the Readathon
  • Transfer your information to organisations, states, or countries outside the European Economic area without the correct rules in place as stated under Data Protection Law. This means we will not send your information to countries or companies that do not follow the same or similar laws as us.


In some cases we will share your information with:

  • Your school leader – where you join your fundraising page with your school/class
  • Your school – where you join your fundraising page with your school/class
  • Your team/group leader – where you join your fundraising page with a team
  • Your group – where you join your fundraising page with a team
  • Your parents/guardian if under the age 18 – they need this information to keep you safe and they will help you run your Readathon
  • Your donors – people who give you money for reading can see your profile, how much you have raised and how many books you have read
  • Sponsors where you are a winner so you can collect your prize
  • MS Ireland
  • Anyone who visits the website – anyone who visits the website can see a fundraising profile, how much they have raised and how many books they have read and who has donated to the profile

Your personal information may also be stored, held, made available by other organisations on our behalf for the reasons given above.  We may share your information to the following when we have to:   

  • Revenue, Data Protection Commission, legal advisors, financial and law enforcement, IT providers, couriers, shredding company, printing company, administration services, accountants/auditors, insurers or marketing consultants and any other suppliers we use to operate this competition.

 Some of these parties may reside outside the European Economic Area (which currently comprises the Member states of the European Union plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein). If we do this, your information will be treated to the same standards adopted in Ireland. We may also give your information for the prevention and detection of crime and to protect the interests of us or others, or if required to do so by law or other binding request. 

This means that, even though we have to give this information if we are asked to and it may be moved outside of Ireland and the countries that follow the same laws that the information will be kept safe and under laws or instructions that are the same or very close to our laws.


How long will we keep your personal information

We will only hold your personal information for as long as we need to making sure we follow the rules of the country.

Home readers, unless you have withdrawn your information we hold the information for four years and for schools we hold the information indefinitely. We hold information where you are happy for us to keep it for your reader registration details. This will save you providing the information again.



  • You can get a copy of all the information we hold on you
  • You can have your information deleted where you withdraw your permission for us to have it and we no longer need it
  • You can get your information in machine readable format (this means that the information can be shared easily between computers)
  • You can object to us using your information
  • You can ask us to stop using your information until we sort things out for you
  • You can ask us to correct your information if we have it wrong
  • If you are not happy with how we mind your information you can make a compliant to the Data Protection Commission  


Version Control

This information was issued on 14.09.23 and is version 3.00 (only minor edits since version 1.00 issued on 5.10.21)

September 2023

Read our full privacy statement here.

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